Perform; Achieve & Trade (PAT) is a trading scheme, promoted under the National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE), helps energy intensive large industry units in India to enhance cost effectiveness in terms of energy efficiency. It is a market oriented mechanism to enhance cost effectiveness of improvements in energy efficiency in energy intensive large industries and facilities, through certification of energy savings that could be traded. The scheme is being designed and implemented by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under The Ministry of Power (MoP), India. The Ministry of Power has notified industrial units and other establishments consuming energy more than the threshold in nine industrial sectors namely Thermal Power Plants, Fertilizer, Cement, Pulp and Paper, Textiles, Chlor-Alkali, Iron & Steel, Aluminium and Railways as Designated Consumers (DCs) under PAT Scheme.
Each designated consumers (DC) will be given specific energy consumption target to meet over a period of three years. Any additional saving will qualify for earning Energy Saving Certificates (ESCerts), which could be traded with DCs who could be short of targets. This trade can be made bilaterally or through exchange.
WeCompli India Pvt. Ltd. has experience and master of providing energy auditing & technical services for Textile industries and cement industry.
Our services are designed to help the designated consumers realize the benefits of the PAT scheme, plan and execute capacity building initiatives customized as per the needs, plan, implement and monitor energy efficiency measures and monetize any energy efficiency certificates generated in the process.
The Specific Services offered by WeCompli India Pvt. Ltd. under the PAT Scheme are:
- Reduction Phase.
- Benchmarking Vs target levels.
- Recommendation of projects to achieve target levels.
- Risk benefit & techno commercial project report.
- Financial advisory services.
M & V Phase:
- Monitoring & verification support.
- Issuance support.
Trading Phase:
- Access to trading Platforms.
- Risk Management Services.
- Market research & Analysis.